Prevent Delays on Your Construction Project with These Tips


Summary: Construction delays are costly, but easy to avoid if you plan ahead.

Construction delays are one of the worst folleys for any project because they can cost so much unnecessary money to deal with. Sometimes, delays are out of the hands of everyone. Other times, proper planning is to blame. Whatever caused your construction delay, here are some options that a construction consultant might recommend.

Consult Several Suppliers

Materials are a common source of delay, either because they are not delivered on time or they do not fit the specifications of the customer’s order. You should check with multiple suppliers to be sure that you have what the building owner wants. Upon delivery, compare your receipts with what was delivered. If you are in serious doubt of the quality of something like steel, don’t mess around! Have it chemically tested to verify its integrities. Bad steel can cause serious harm to the building and its occupants in the future.


Personnel are another issue, especially with commercial construction. Workers at the beginning of the project feel refreshed and have no injuries. Overtime isn’t really an issue. When crunch time draws near, those same workers may struggle or become more accident prone simply due to fatigue. Construction & turnaround services help companies prepare for a job by reviewing staffing requirements and shoring up contractors with extra help if necessary.


A backup plan is almost always the best solution you have to solve most delays related to construction projects. Failing to prepare, as they say, is preparing to fail. Still, adaptability is the best trait for times when the problem is outside your reach.


Lyle Charles is a construction consultant who assists in the preparation of claims, and in mediation. Lyle Charles Consulting also offers expert witness testimony for construction disputes.