Visa’s Digital Marketing Shift Marks a New Age In Advertisements

Article Written by : Merchant Account Central

Visa’s use of digital media is changing marketing campaigns.  

Visa has been a longtime sponsor of the Olympics. The way they connect through the consumer is significantly different now than it was back 20 years ago. Because the digital age is alive and flourishing, Visa is jumping onboard by spending at least a third of its marketing budget on digital media to connect to the consumer.

A Shift Towards a Mobile-Friendly And Digital Market

Much of Visa’s marketing tactics revolves around customer engagement optimized user experiences. The increase in mobile users has Visa creating more engaging material that can be accessed via smart phone. This means more compelling experiences that mobile users can take part of. Visa believes that mobile devices are the window through which this generation does everything.

Visa’s client marketing is successful largely due in part to Olympics sponsorships. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to many people due to the global exposure that Visa receives from having their brand out there.

Richard Davis is the Chief Financial Officer for Rogers & Cowan. By teaming up with Steve Doctrow, Executive Vice President of Integrated Marketing, they helped create marketing campaigns for Visa in the past and also create foundational elements to help them drive in business.

Digital Channels Are Being Focused On More

When it comes to marketing budget, Visa has placed more money into digital channels – in some cases, like Korea, it’s purely through digital. This trend has Visa activating more of digital sponsorships through digital channels over other mean. Essentially, they’re gravitating towards a more digital position in the marketing world.