Negative Yelp Reviews Could Ruin a Business

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If you’re the proud owner of a business, you already know to be weary of negative Yelp reviews. No matter how much thoughtful planning has gone into creating your topnotch customer service, it’s nearly impossible to keep every single one of your customers absolutely happy. Circumstances and issues may arise that are simply beyond your control. So how do you keep the damage done by even a single negative review on Yelp from bringing down your business?

You get informed about your rights and take action. An excellent way to start might be to contact an agency like Yelp Mediation. Such an agency can provide services that include getting in touch with dissatisfied customers on your behalf, dispensing helpful advice on how to promote positive review writing among customers, and explaining the options you have, in general, when facing down negative reviews.

For instance if you are experiencing a major headache because a customer, or other random person, has left your business an offensive review that is in clear violation of Yelp’s content guidelines, an agency like Yelp Mediation can explain to you your avenues of action. It can also point you to the people you may need to speak to or give an estimate of the amount of time it will take to resolve the matter.