Advertising: Approaching the Mind of the Consumer – By Ted Dhanik

Where simple display advertising worked in the past, current methods of getting a message to consumers has evolved in a myriad of ways. Viral videos, internet memes, and the like are the thing that people talk about at water coolers. This is the information that most individuals share on social media sites. A witty slogan is no longer the norm. People need to be given something to talk about. And if it isn’t given in a timely fashion, then it’s lost in a sea of other advertisements clamoring for the consumers attention.

What is needed today to be profitable are professionals who understand the mindset of the average individual that uses the internet as a part of their daily routine. If one thinks about the standard household, most individuals are computer literate. In fact, having access to the internet today is the standard, a rapid switch from fifteen years ago, when it was relatively few who possessed web services in their homes. And along with this change of receiving information, so too has the way in which folks perceive it changed. For example, say an individual wishes to discover some esoteric knowledge about medicine. Usually a library or doctor would’ve been the chief means of receiving this information. Now all it takes is a quick web search and the answer has been found.

Advertising must get its message across in just as timely a manner. This is the age in which answers are given at the push of a button. So too must the message in advertisement. Without it, it becomes more useless information, easily forgotten by the target consumer.

The content within has been brought to you by Ted Dhanik, advertising consultant and strategist. Ted Dhanik is here to help your advertising dollars go where they are needed, reaching the consumer you desire. Visit the website to discover what strategies Ted Dhanik con produce for the profitability of your business.